If you want to know how to build muscle fast. you are at the right place. This process has several steps like make-up of mind, intense weight training, supply of important nutrients and proper rest for recovery. We will discuss all these steps in detail. We will describe all the changes which happen in our body after completion of these steps. We also discuss testosterone hormone which is responsible for the growth of muscle’s mass. For good looking physique and strength we have to work on each and every muscle of our body. Just as a sculptor carves a statue, we have to carve each muscle of the body.
Before we discuss how to build muscle fast. You should know the reason for muscle growth. When you do intense weight training and tense your muscles. Your muscles tissue gets broken. Your body repairs the damaged muscle tissue and makes it stronger and more bigger than previous muscle. Again you break these newly built muscle tissue by intense weight training and again body repairs these damaged muscle tissue and makes it stronger and more bigger than previous muscle tissue. This is the process of how muscle mass and strength increases.
Given below are the points explaining how to build muscle fast.
1. Make-up of Mind:-
Muscle building is a long and regular process. It requires more dedication and attention. If you are ready to take pain then you can build your muscles. Many people left their weight training in the middle. So, makeup your mind to continue your training throughout your life. You have to work on every single muscle of your body.
2. Intense Weight Training:-
Your first step of muscle building is to break muscle tissue. Weight Training is the most powerful and appropriate method. Select proper weight so that you can do minimum 6 and maximum 12 reps with 3 to 6 sets and proper posture should be maintained. Take minimum rest in between two sets, it can be from 30 seconds to 90 seconds depending upon your weight and your strength. Gradually increase your weight, but repetition and sets must be unchanged. More muscle tension during a workout results in more muscle growth.
3. Repair of damaged Tissue:
Your second step is to repair damaged tissue. There are further two steps required i. e. Proper Nutrition and Proper Rest
- a) Proper Nutrition:- To repair damaged muscle tissue, you need a protein rich diet along with minimal quantity of Carbs and Fat. Protein is an essential nutrient to repair damaged muscles. One can take approximately 2g protein per kg body weight per day (it can be more or less considering activity level). Protein is made up of 20 amino acids, all these 20 amino acids are required to build or repair muscles. Your body can make 11 amino acids within your body. Rest 9 amino acids are required from outside. You need such types of foods which have all these 9 essential amino acids. You can consume soya chunks, tofu, milk and its derivatives, whey protein, chicken and fish etc. to provide the required amount of protein. Without complete protein (i.e. 20 amino acids) muscle growth will not happen.
You should eat extra calories in the form of protein from 300 to 500 calories daily. These calories should be more than what calories you burn. Divide these calories into your daily meals for better results.
- b)Proper Rest:-Proper rest is required to repair damaged muscle tissue. Muscles recover very fast while you are sleeping. Proper rest restores your energy to do your next workout properly. One should take 8 to 9 hours of sleep daily and 2 to 3 days rest for certain muscles. If you target the same muscles daily or alternate day, you would not be able to do your workout with more intensity due to soreness of muscles, resulting in less muscle growth. Muscle repair is mandatory for bigger and stronger muscles.
4. Routine:-
You should maintain your workout routine, do not skip your workout unless it is necessary. Most important step to build muscle fast is to follow your daily routine. You should fix your activity time, sleeping time, pre and post workout meals and other main meals. Do not forget to take your weekly rest to recharge yourself.
5. Testosterone :-
You should keep your testosterone levels up to the mark to build muscles fast or grow muscle fast. Testosterone is a male hormone and one of the major factors which help in growth of muscles and strength. It interacts with DNA’s nuclear receptors, which triggers the creation of proteins. You should keep your testosterone level up to the mark. You can try Ayurveda supplements and natural food for boosting your testosterone level.
Building muscles is not an easy task. It needs more attention and regular hard work. You should make bodybuilding a regular part of daily life. There are several Muscles in your body like biceps, triceps and abdominal muscles. You have to work on every muscle in your body. Create passion and achieve your goals. Memories above points and starts your journey. Do workout for yourself not to show others. It may be harmful. Keep patience as different bodies respond differently.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Do muscles grow on rest days?
Ans. Muscle gets broken when we do intense workout. To repair these broken muscles, we need nutrients i.e. protein and time. When we take rest it means we are allowing body functions to repair broken muscles. This is important to understand that the body makes bigger and stronger muscles after repair than previous muscle. So, we can say muscles grow on rest days.
Q2. What to eat to grow muscle?
Ans. Only eating food cannot grow muscle. To grow muscle, intense workout is mandatory. After intense workout, a protein rich diet is required. You should include lean muscle mass in your diet like chicken breast, Fish, Soya and dry fruits and nuts etc.
Q3. Is it bad to exercise everyday?
Ans. NO! It is not bad to exercise everyday, regular exercise is a good habit. Keep in mind if you are doing weight training, it is not good to train the same muscle everyday. Weekly off can help in repairing damaged muscles.
Q4. How to get a toned body?
Ans. Toned body refers to less body fat. You should burn your body fat by doing exercise and less calorie consumption. Start exercise using body weight and do more cardio. consume more protein and less carbs and fats.
Q5. Should I Join a Gym for 1 Month?
Ans. NO! In one month you cannot achieve anything instead of muscle pain.
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